Dear Sirs/Madams,
I have a problem after setting up Spinner Chief 4. When I open the Spinner Chief, it doesn't have either Register Email or Log In Button. Please see attached picture that I have captured.
I can be reached at [email protected]
Thanks you so much and I'm looking forward to get supported.
Your faithfully,
Steven YANG
Dear Sirs/Madams,
I have a problem after setting up Spinner Chief 4. When I open the Spinner Chief, it doesn't have either Register Email or Log In Button. Please see attached picture that I have captured.
I can be reached at [email protected]
Thanks you so much and I'm looking forward to get supported.
Your faithfully,
Steven YANG
Very sorry for the inconvenience, there is a problem for the display on your computer, we will fix this asap.
Very thanks for your suggestion, it helps us a lot. we will take it into consideration. If we can make it come true, we will update it asap. So please wait patiently.
Have a nice day!!!
Hi, friends. : ) Great software package.
I only ask that you put in an easy mod for Spinner Chief:
User can change the cursor:
-blink rate/no blink
This will help me easily find the cursor among a spun document after looking down or away.
Thanks again!
very thanks for your suggestion, we will take it into consideration.
Thanks again.
Sentence and paragraph-level spinning
Most otherspinners are limited to just changing words. Google probably can detect that now.
Would be cool if spinnercheif could understand phrases, sentences and even whole paragraphs and able to rewrite the structure and not just change a few words.This gives you results that are more unique, and STILL read better thanks to the ENL Semantic Spinning technology.
You could implement machine learning too for better results. And allow users to train the machine learning algos themselves (for example have a learning mode where a popup shows up asking whether this sentence is correct) and create their own machine learning database. That would put spinner chief ahead of the game.
Are your talking about the sentence/phrase exchange function? SpinnerChief already added this function.
We will take your another suggestion into consideration. Please wait for the news.