MinistryOC 2017/07/04 17:27:38 0 0
Hello,I'm having a related problem.I started X-Spinner with Spanish Thesaurus as default.But when I start SEO Content Machine a message appear on X-spinner:ID: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I am using Windows Server with last version of .NET installedHow can I solve this?Thanks!
james2004 2018/01/03 12:10:38 0 0
SEO Content machine keeps returning this error which I am told is related to xspinner, can you help wiht it?TimeMessage03/01/2018 03:59:03"Exception TPL10: [WebException]X-spinner returned no spun text   at SatinBlue.Api.Services.XSpinner.Spin(String text, String csvProtectedTerms, CancellationToken cancelToken)   at SatinBlue.Api.Spinner.ExternalSpinIt(String textToSpin, String spinnerName, String[]...
agakaruni 2017/09/20 21:24:07 0 0
If I run X-Spinner in windows vps, Can I connect it to the wordpress plugin via the API?Does  x spinner can be used in wordpress plugin though not on same server?Thank you in advance.
Adrianik 2017/08/20 03:51:07 0 0
Hello! Please list with which of the existing software i can integrate the X-spinner. Since it is uselessly idle.I'm interested in software, with which i can generate articles. Something like SeoContentMachine. But it is desirable - free. Thank!
MinistryOC 2017/07/06 19:09:35 0 0
Hello,I made this video capture to show the problem that I'm having with X-Spinnerhttps://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cbi16Plo2LSeems that the Content Writing Software is not working since X-Spinner don't return any textThere are here someone that can have a clue about why this is happening?Thanks
Maltieee 2017/05/23 06:01:28 0 0
See topic. 
toosje 2017/04/16 19:06:10 0 0
HiI keep getting error message when trying to start it up (it used to work before but now I keep getting this, what can I do?). Screenshot: ...
seotrafilea 2017/02/17 08:56:13 0 0
Operating System:Windows Server 2012Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:xV3....
infomohamedammar 2016/12/12 00:34:23 0 0
i just bought seo content machine and x-spinner Elite version for a life time subscription, when i try to use x-spinner with seo content machine, it fails, it tells me enter the spinners logins but it doesn't give me an option to put the username and password, i need some help
superdv 2016/01/10 13:25:07 0 1
i've bought x-spinner due to its compatibility with russian language. I have two other spinners (without russian lang.). But here its promised. So, please tell me, when it will be available??????
money2017 2016/11/06 06:36:30 0 0
i need serial code for Get X-Spinner Free Version
enzyme 2016/09/23 06:25:13 0 1
mikulabc 2016/09/09 09:02:11 0 1
I loaded the turkish thesaurus and with any setting i put, it always just outputs the same text without {|} characters, please fix this, could you check and let me know, its urgent kindasee screenshots below:...
Developer 2016/09/19 11:13:56 0 1
I'm using API from http://www.x-spinner.com/dev.html, for example:> string='very logn url-encoded text'> curl -X POST -d "thesaurus=English&removeold=1&spintype=0&spinway=1&xstext=$string" http://myip:80/ What about params for api type for third-party software?How I can use another API type (TBS, WordAI, etc.) instead off X-Spinner.
Djroyb 2016/07/17 10:06:56 0 1
How to set up X-spinner with magic submitter?
chymmi 2016/04/14 10:37:23 0 1
Hello,after using x-spinner (normally it is after a few hours of using) it will stop working and my software (seo content machine) is reporting this "Net: Unable to complete request @" and I need to restart x-spinner to work. Even "test spin" feature doesnt work when it stuck.Can you please help me?
seo101 2015/10/12 22:27:11 0 1
Hi,Right after I open xspinner, on my task manager it uses 300MB. After run it for 2 days I checked it uses up 800MB which is huge. Is there anyway to lower this number down ? I tried clear logs once a while but it doesn't help much.
seo101 2015/08/24 05:24:38 1 1
Hi,Is it possible to protect capitalize word just like in spinrewriter ? I deal with a lot of technical jargons where it dont need to be spin. I can't put all the jargon to the protected keywords since I never know what's coming. So the only way you can tell that that's a jargon is by the capital word. For example: Windows 8.1 . Xspinner replaces this with Home windows 8.1.Thanks
mms 2015/08/29 02:32:44 0 1
I'm using X-Spinner with third party software. First I tried specifying the SpinnerChief API in the third party software, but it returned an API error. Then I switched it to use the SpinRewriter API and it worked. This seems strange. Why would X-Spinner work with the SpinRewriter API and not with the SpinnerChief API? Shouldn't it be most compatible with the SpinnerChief API?Also, if you access X-Spinner via a non-SpinnerChief API method...
jackjak 2015/02/23 00:26:27 0 1
Could you tell me about the purpose of limited API on SpinnerChief (onetime ultimate), and unlimited for X-spinner?...
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