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2013/09/12 23:55:01

I Twittered the thread but no new post appeared with the download link. :-(

Please let me know where I can find it.


2013/09/13 07:14:42


I'm a SCl ll Elite user and after watching the SC lll Beta video I'm really looking forward to trying the program.

Same issue as joe524. Where's the share button?


2013/09/13 08:18:03

How much are you guys planning on charging for SCIII when it is finally released? From previous posts, I assume it will be a monthly fee, just curious.

Can't wait until all the bugs are fixed and SCIII is up and running.

2013/09/13 22:31:25

Hello. Two minor issues:

1. Using local thesaurus with thesaurus setting: auto-repalce setting=auto-spin to most readable and unique, makes SCIII goes into a very long spin (even while connected to the internet).

2. The Manage protected word(s) windows doesn't show the clear, save and load buttons untill the window is resized manually.

2013/09/14 01:02:52

A few more trivial issues:

1. The phrase number select words in the identify synonyms tab should read "NumSel or more words in the phrase" and not "more than NumSel words in the phrase". A quick test in identifying synonyms will verify this.

2. The favorites thesaurus manager has a spelling error on a button. I think it should be "add new favorite synonyms" instead of "add new fivorite synonyms".

3. I observed the phrase replacement follows a sequential behaivior which limits its benefits. Example: "is an extraordinary method". The phrase is an is always selected over my preferred an extraordinary for replacement in the example sentence.

2013/09/16 08:20:38

2 # WhiteHatBox 8/29/2013 8:52:40 AM
Please share this page to see the content, you can share this page by click right button like twitter,facebook,linkedin,email,etc...
yhea done that no link though
2013/09/16 18:04:33
Dont like these idiots .. is just as trick to get you to like them on facebook There are no links.... and great way to turn off potential consumers ......
2013/09/17 08:28:52
Wow love the new features explained in the videos. Keep up the great work!
2013/09/17 08:34:59
To the spinnerchief team: I am noticing some people are having "problems" finding the link after sharing this thread, because it appears on a post below the sticky. I believe making the link appear on the same sticky (or at least making a clarification that it will appear on a post below) may be less confusing for some people. Just my 2 cents.
2013/09/17 18:22:27
after i downloaded, i extracted and failed. The archive is damaged
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