  • notanotherseocompany
  • My topic Vs 1.7.9 selecting "image" ...
  • Upon upgrading to vs. 1.7.9 the bing searches are now either not selecting anything or selecting images and scrolling through with out following control operation instructions, then being marked as successful even though they are not.  Using white hat box app return to previous version only has vs 1.6.0 which is so old its not working anymore. Please provide link to vs 1.7.8 until 1.7.9 can be fixed. THank you Gina
  • 2024-11-07 02:44
  • notanotherseocompany
  • My topic Want to Hire a botchief spe...
  • Hi, I need someone who knows there way around BotChief to help teach me how to use it and to set up website click throughs on trafficbot pro for about 20-30 different websites. I need someone who will work with me during US MST hours 9-5 I am willing to negotiate pay. Thanks Gina
  • 2019-07-26 11:48