mavillar 2017/06/08 03:50:08 0 0
Each time I click ona word and select a sinonym from the below table, arises the following exception:What's happening?...
ownpy 2017/05/04 19:44:28 0 0
Hello, I want know when is SpinnerChief 5 version release date. I just search the forum, is that release on May?Thank you!
ruvinsales 2017/06/01 23:40:38 0 0
kingseoindia 2017/05/24 19:50:01 1 0
When I am opening it so getting network error message each time and http://account.spinnerchief.com also giving the same.... Is there any changes going on in your system ?
timecha 2014/07/26 21:09:11 0 0
I want to import a bunch of csv variables and have spinner chief create a unique article for each variable. Is there a tutorial for this?
FontTeresa 2017/05/10 17:46:30 0 0
I am writing an article about Universal Studios Hollywood. I use the words "Universal Studios Hollywood" a lot throughout the article and Copyscape sees them as already being on the internet so it doesn't pass me. Of course they are already on the internet. This is the name of a very popular theme park. But copyscape doesn't pass me.Can someone please tell me where I the settings I need to have to resolve this issue? If there is a video somewhere, even...
Maltieee 2017/04/28 17:59:51 0 0
Hello, i′m trying very hard to spin  a good text but spinner chief got almost no synonyms and if its got some it is for unimportant fillwords. Am i doing something wrong, is there a addidtional source for german words? because the cloud doesnt do its job for germans. THanks for you support.
ailia 2017/04/28 23:46:53 0 0
Hi there, i download the free version and i wonder to find about italian language coz when i installed the software i choose Italian.How i can try if spinning work well in Italian?Any User has already experiences with Italian spinning?Thank You all
FontTeresa 2017/04/26 21:22:17 0 0
I have a Spin going on for about fifteen minutes. This is not normal.I want to stop the spin. I click at the bottom of the screen where it says Stop Spin but nothing happens. How do you STOP / CANCEL an ongoing Spin?Thanks!
mavillar 2017/04/08 15:16:20 0 0
Hi,I'm trying to get started with the API calls and followed the example and instructions in website:The PHP code is:$data = $items[0]['descripcion'];echo $data."<br /><br />";$url  = " http://api....
kingseoindia 2017/04/07 19:10:43 0 0
How to add protected words in Spinner Chief 4 ?andDo i need to with or without 'S' ?Example - women and women's
gbengalex 2017/02/12 15:43:24 0 0
I downloaded whitehatbox and free version of spinnerchief4 just to test before i purchase for API.  But i cant find a serial number.  Is serial number NOT available for free version? 
timspin 2017/03/18 18:50:36 0 0
Hi is it possible to spin content and just change the keyword? i want to create a general content and just add the keyword in its place
sudhakararao 2017/03/17 23:35:25 0 0
I have brought the spinner chief ultimate 4 from online.. but i havent recieved the serial key yet.. even i mailed to  [email protected] . but no one is responding for the past two days.. i felt cheated... i lost my money
scdownload 2017/03/16 22:13:38 0 0
Dear WhitehatBox,Are you in the process of developing Spinner Chief 5?If yes, when?Thank You
aleksandrius 2017/03/08 22:03:50 0 0
I have a lifetime license for SpinnerChief. Username is aleksandrius.However, when I login into the web, it asks for a Serial Number: http://prntscr.com/dx033xWhen I insert (copy/paste) the correct SN, it says "Serial Number Error": http://prntscr.com/dx03knIt's been 2 months since I first contacted you privately for this issue, but no one responded. Why are you not resolving this?paypal email is: [email protected] was made...
[email protected] 2017/03/10 01:30:02 0 0
please, is there anyone out there.....
catchonnow 2017/03/04 12:26:10 0 0
Give me comparison bettwen bonus content bomb and elite content bomb please.
thanuthep 2016/10/14 13:08:33 0 0
Hi,1.  I purchased the one-time fee version of SpinnerChief 4.  However, the program was failed to run on PC.  I've emailed you for a couple of days now to get support, but there's NO reply from you AT ALL. 2.  Wanted to use the spin on web, but "Spin Error"???? In other words, I paid a high fee, but cannot use the product.   Very disappointed.  Please revert to my mail as soon as possible,...
opiniones 2017/01/27 06:58:41 0 0
Hello,I have a problem API.If I use it directly in a php I have a login error but if I use it from a html form that makes a post call to that php works fine.Any ideas?function getSpinResult($articulo,$idioma){    $apikey=my api id;    $username=my user;    $pass=...
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